Terms of Service

Effective date: July 01, 2021

Article 1. (Purpose)

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the company and users, as well as other necessary matters in relation to the use of all related services provided by morethan apps (“Company”).

Article 2. (Definitions)

The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows.

  1. "Service" means all services related to morethan apps that "Users" can use regardless of the implemented terminal (including various wired and wireless devices such as PCs, TVs, and portable terminals).
  2. "User" refers to a customer who accesses the “service” of the company, concludes a use contract with the “company” in accordance with these terms and conditions, and uses the “service” provided by the “company”.
  3. “Posts” means texts, photos, videos, and various files and links in the form of information such as codes, texts, voices, sounds, images, and videos posted on the “service” by the "User" when using the “service”. means etc.

Article 3. (Publication and Amendment of Terms and Conditions)

  1. The “Company” posts the contents of these Terms and Conditions within the service so that “Users” can easily understand it.
  2. The "Company" may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not violate related laws, such as the "Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions" and the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communications Network Act").
  3. When the "company" revises the terms and conditions, the effective date and the reason for the revision shall be specified and notified along with the current terms and conditions from 30 days before the effective date of the revised terms to the day before the effective date in accordance with the method of Paragraph 1. However, in the case of amendments to the terms and conditions that are unfavorable to the user, in addition to the notice, it shall be clearly notified separately through electronic means such as e-mail within the service, e-mail message, and the consent window at login.
  4. In case the user does not expressly refuse even though the company has clearly notified or notified that if the user does not express his/her intention within the 30-day period while announcing or notifying the revised terms and conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph The user agrees to the revised terms and conditions.
  5. If the user does not agree to the application of the revised terms, the company cannot apply the contents of the revised terms, and in this case, the user may terminate the use contract. However, if there are special circumstances in which the existing terms and conditions cannot be applied, the company may terminate the contract of use.

Article 4. (Interpretation of Terms and Conditions)

  1. The “Company” may have separate terms of use and policies (hereinafter “individual service terms, etc.”) for “paid services” and individual services, and if the contents conflict with these terms and conditions, the “individual service terms, etc.” It takes precedence..
  2. Matters or interpretations not set forth in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the “Individual Service Terms, etc.” and related laws or commercial practices.

Article 5. (Conclusion of use contract)

  1. The contract of use is automatically concluded when a person who wants to become a "User" (hereinafter “subscriber”) downloads and uses the morethan apps service.
  2. In principle, the "company" approves the "user"'s use of the morethan apps "service".

Article 6. (Obligation to protect personal information)

The “Company” strives to protect the personal information of “Users” as stipulated by relevant laws such as the “Information and Communications Network Act”. Regarding the protection and use of personal information, the relevant laws and the privacy policy of the "company" apply. However, the privacy policy of the "company" does not apply to linked sites other than the official site of the "company".

Article 7. (Obligation for management of “ID” and “password” of "User")

morethan apps service does not accept user account registration related to personal information acquisition.

Article 8. (Notification to "User")

If the "Company" notifies the "User", unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions, it can be done by e-mail address within the service, terminal notification, etc.

Article 9. (Obligations of “Company”)

  1. The “Company” does not engage in acts prohibited by the relevant laws and these terms and conditions or contrary to public morals, and strives to do its best to provide “services” continuously and stably.
  2. The “company” must have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that “users” can safely use the “service” and disclose and comply with the privacy policy.
  3. If the "Company" recognizes that the opinions or complaints raised by the "User" in relation to the use of the service are justified, it must be dealt with. For opinions or complaints raised by the “user”, the process and results are delivered to the “user” by using the bulletin board or by e-mail.

Article 10. (Obligations of “User”)

  1. "Users" must not do the following:
    1. Registration of false information when applying or changing
    2. Stealing other people's information
    3. Change of information posted by "Company"
    4. Transmission or posting of information (computer programs, etc.) other than those specified by the "company"
    5. Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights of the "Company" and other third parties
    6. Acts that damage the reputation of the "Company" and other third parties or interfere with business
    7. An act of disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, voices, and other information that goes against public order and morals on the "Service"
    8. Act of using the "service" for profit without the consent of the company
    9. Any other illegal or unfair conduct
  2. The "user" must comply with the relevant laws, the provisions of these terms and conditions, the user guide and the notices related to the "service", the notices of the "company", etc. no.
  3. When a "user" engages in mail-order sales or mail-order brokerage by using cafe and blog services, they must comply with the obligations under the Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce, etc. can be specified.

Article 11. (Provision of “Service”, etc.)

  1. The company provides the following services to users.
    1. Weather, daily life information and terminal utilization service
    2. All services provided to “users” through additional development by the “company” or partnership agreements with other companies
  2. The company may divide the “service” into a certain range and separately designate the available time for each range. However, in this case, the contents will be notified in advance.
  3. In principle, “service” is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  4. The “Company” may temporarily suspend the provision of “Service” in the event of maintenance, replacement and breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, communication interruption, or operational reasons. In this case, the “Company” notifies the “User” in the manner stipulated in Article 9 [Notification to the “User”]. However, if there is an unavoidable reason that the “Company” cannot notify in advance, it can be notified afterwards.
  5. The “Company” may conduct regular inspections if necessary for the provision of services, and the period of regular inspections follows the notice on the service provision screen.

Article 12. (Change of “Service”)

  1. The “company” may change all or part of the “services” provided for operational and technical needs in cases where there are significant reasons.
  2. If there is a change in the contents, method of use, and time of use of the “Service”, the reason for the change, the contents of the service to be changed, and the date of provision shall be posted on the initial screen of the service before the change
  3. The "Company" may modify, suspend, or change some or all of the services provided free of charge for the needs of the Company's policies and operations, and there is no separate compensation for the "User" unless there are special provisions in the relevant laws.

Article 13. (Provision of Information and Posting of Advertisements)

  1. The “Company” may provide “Users” with various information deemed necessary during the use of “Services” to “Users” through notices or e-mails. However, the “user” may refuse to receive e-mails at any time, except for transaction-related information and answers to customer inquiries in accordance with relevant laws.
  2. If the information in Paragraph 1 is to be transmitted by phone or facsimile device, it is transmitted with the prior consent of the “user”. However, it is excluded from replying to transaction-related information and customer inquiries of “users”.
  3. The “Company” may place advertisements on the service screen, website, e-mail, etc. in connection with the operation of the “Service”. The “user” who receives the e-mail with the advertisement can refuse the reception to the “company”.
  4. ”User” does not take any action such as changing, modifying, or restricting postings or other information in relation to the services provided by the company.

Article 14. (Copyright of “Post”)

  1. The copyright of the “post” posted by the “user” within the “service” belongs to the author of the post.
  2. “Posts” posted by “users” within “services” may be exposed in search results, “services” and related promotions, and may be partially modified, duplicated, edited and posted within the scope necessary for such exposure. In this case, the company complies with the provisions of the Copyright Act, and the “user” can take measures such as deletion, exclusion of search results, and non-disclosure of the post at any time through the customer center or the management function within the “service”.
  3. If the "Company" intends to use the "Post" of the "User" in a way other than Paragraph 2, it must obtain the consent of the "User" in advance through telephone, fax, e-mail, etc.
  4. The “company” shall use the photos (images) registered by the “user” among the “posts” obtained with the consent of the “user” in Paragraph 3 to provide, display, or use the post contents to service partners such as individuals, businesses, or media for commercial purposes. can.
  5. Paragraph 4 If the “posts” of the “user” violate the copyright regulations of others or other companies, the responsibility for the copyright rests with the “user”.

Article 15. (Management of “Post”)

  1. If the “post” of the “user” contains content that violates related laws such as the “Information and Communications Network Act” and the “Copyright Act,” the right holder may request the suspension or deletion of the “post” in accordance with the procedures set by the relevant laws, “Company” must take action in accordance with relevant laws.
  2. Even if there is no request from the right holder pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the “Company” may take temporary measures against the “Post” in accordance with the relevant laws if there is a reason for the violation of rights or if it violates other company policies and related laws.

Article 16. (Return of Rights)

The copyright and intellectual property rights for the “service” belong to the “company”.

Article 17. (Points)

“Company” does not operate a point system.

Article 18. (Cancellation of Contract, Termination, etc.)

If the "user" terminates the contract, all data of the "user" will be destroyed immediately upon termination, except when the "company" retains member information in accordance with the relevant laws and privacy policy.

Article 19. (Restriction on Use, etc.)

  1. The "Company" may restrict the use of the "Service" in stages by warning, temporary suspension, permanent suspension, etc. if the "User" violates the obligations of these Terms and Conditions or interferes with the normal operation of the "Service".
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the “Company” shall not be liable for theft of name and payment, provision and operation of illegal programs in violation of the “Copyright Act” and “Computer Program Protection Act”, illegal communication and hacking in violation of the “Information and Communications Network Act”, and distribution of malicious programs , in case of violation of related laws such as excessive access rights, the use may be permanently suspended immediately. In the event of permanent suspension of use in accordance with this section, all “points” and other benefits acquired through the use of “services” will also expire, and the “company” will not compensate for this.

Article 20. (Limitation of Liability)

  1. If the “Company” cannot provide the “Service” due to a natural disaster or force majeure equivalent thereto, the responsibility for the provision of the “Service” is exempted.
  2. The “Company” is not responsible for any obstacles to the use of the “Service” due to reasons attributable to the “User”.
  3. The "Company" is not responsible for the reliability and accuracy of information, data, facts, etc. posted by the "User" in relation to the "Service".
  4. The “Company” is exempted from liability in the case of transactions between “Users” or between “Users” and third parties through “Services”.
  5. The “Company” is not responsible for the use of services provided free of charge, unless there are special provisions in the relevant laws.

Article 21. (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. Lawsuits filed between the “Company” and the “User” shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
  2. Lawsuits related to disputes between the “company” and “users” are brought to the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.